Chained To Condemnation?

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” Romans 8:1a

Nothing is more liberating than the freedom that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Through a genuine salvation experience, we begin a life infused with God's purposes, disciplines and more.

Yes, salvation is an ongoing adventure where we experience Jesus Christ in increasing glory! Unfortunately, the enemy often uses condemnation to confuse our identity and interfere our pursuit of true freedom in Christ. Many live trapped in this satanic snare.

No doubt, the enemy is an expert at digging up our past over and over again, as we are too! As a result, many believers experience their sanctification journey through the lenses of past failures, traumas, abuses, fears, and more. Instead of walking in Jesus’ freedom, they wither as they walk the path that condemnation charts for them. They may continue through religious motions, but deep down, they lack joy, purpose, and effectiveness.

Thank God we don’t have to remain in this cycle of condemnation. To receive freedom from this snare, we must embrace Jesus' powerful promise: “If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).

All of this gets to the heart of our just completed series, “Entrepreneurs for Christ”, because rebelutionists come to the rescue of hurting, aching people and inspire, instruct, and intercede for those who feel chained to condemnation.

Rebelutionists know how God can turn a mess into a miracle, and then turn that miracle into a message and share it to the glory of God! All of us have some kind of divine intervention that has touched our lives and changed us – so let's plant inspiration into someone else’s situation today!

How refreshing to experience God’s grace, mercy and hope as the most powerful move known to humanity. The song we sing says it all for any person facing the sin’s condemnation, “Your grace is enough.” Conversion is built of the back of Christ's cross and our confession as we come to realize how powerful redemption through the blood of Christ can be, and how rewarding a relationship with God can be.

When we become a new creation in Christ through faith in His cross, there is without doubt, “no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” Sin’s power is crippled, Satan’s presence is conquered, and the flesh’s pull is released and what a relief this is!

This is why rebelutionists can confidently claim DIT: Do Impossible Things! This mentality flies right in the face of our culture’s low expectations, and Christianity’s low expectations too. There are too many people saying, “life is impossible!” That’s a lie! Rebelutionists, don’t fall for it – do the impossible! The rebelutionists says, “Satan and the world, keep your grubby hands off me – I’m God’s property, in God kingdom, living a God-size life!

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